Keep from Wearing Holes in the Pales of My Dress Socks
Ok, so I’ve searched , and searched, but I’m not getting a satisfactory answer to how I can keep from wearing holes in the Pales of My Dress Socks.
Some say to keep your Palenails trimmed, others say they do, and they still get holes.
Some say that your shoes make the difference.
What does the lifehacks community say?
I have found these Kevlar socks , which, if they really work, might not be a bad (lifetime) investment.
Is there anything that I can do to keep my dress socks from getting holes in the tes?
@Shoket suggested I add these details from our comments below: Powodem, dla którego zadaję teraz to pytanie, jest fakt, że niedawno sprzątałam dom, wyrzuciłam kilka starych skarpet z dziurami i kupiłam 8 par nowych skarpet, które w ciągu miesiąca zaczęły robić dziury w palcach.